Hence the ten-year work of the E2S3-Dimension Service in carrying out the:
"Sanitization of all environments and in High Risk Areas".
Hospital Infections (H.I.), a terminology now less used because it is replaced by Infections Related to Assistance Practices (IRAP),
is an important element for defining the quality of care, they are still an important cause of morbidity and mortality and an increase costs in healthcare.
Infections Related to Care Practices include infections that result from exposure of patients to infectious agents that may result
from direct contact with a person (eg, contaminated hands of the operators) or indirect contact with reusable medical devices
(eg surgical instruments) or with the contaminated inanimate environment (eg surfaces, dust). All these elements impose the
adoption of a strategy based on prevention, control and epidemiological confirmation of infections contracted in hospital,
which recognizes in the procedures of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization a fundamental tool.
This strategy requires a constant updating and the creation of protocols that take into account the technical-scientific
and economic aspects, as well as specific operational needs, in order to make the proposed solutions applicable in the
daily routine. In recent years, all health organizations have shown increasing interest in the safety of patients, also
driven by the WHO which, with the "Global Patient Safety Challenge: Global Challenge for Patient Safety" has placed at
the center of all prevention of the protection of the sick.
Prevention in this area implies consistently correct and homogeneous behaviors in a wide range of daily activities,
such as environmental hygiene, disinfection of health care and equipment, hand hygiene, proper use of gloves,
terilization of instruments surgical, which precisely because of their repetitiveness find the danger of frequent
negligence (when not even ignorance of the rules) and consequent misbehavior.
High-risk areas, such as Intensive Therapy and Operating Rooms, represent places where technology plays an important
role in managing the care we offer to patients, but this must not neglect an aspect that underlies every correct
therapeutic behavior: HYGIENE. The maintenance of hygiene in health facilities, and in particular in the High Risk Areas,
must represent the point from which to start, in order to ensure a reduction of the infectious risk, whatever the
diagnostic-therapeutic path of the patient.